Monday, September 17, 2018

A basic introduction to ActionScrip 3.0 coding in Adobe Animate


ActionScript 3.0 Codes
Creates a comment. This line has no effect. A good way troubleshoot code is to make a line of code a comment, and see if that was what was causing the problem. Comments can also be used to organize code.
§  Stop playing when this frame is reached.
§  Go to the next frame.
§  Go to the previous frame.
§  Go to indicated frame label in the timeline and stop.
§  Go to indicated frame label and play from there (until a stop command is reached).
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));
§  Opens a link to the specified website.
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank");
§  Opens a link to the specified website in a new window.

trace("hello world");
§  Adds the message "hello world" to the output window in Flash. This does not affect your final piece, but is useful for debugging.
Mouse Events
§  Triggers something when the mouse button is released.
§  Triggers something when the mouse button is first pressed (used especially for drag functions).

Traversing Timelines
(parent as MovieClip).gotoAndStop("frameLabel");
§  References a frame label "frameLabel" in the timeline above/outside of the current movie clip.
§  References a frame label "frameLabel" inside of the movie clip "movieClipName" (which is currently on the stage).
Button Codes
instanceName.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, functionName);
function functionName(event:MouseEvent):void { ----- }
§  Basic button code, where ----- is the action to be performed (gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, etc.) when the mouse button is released.
instanceName.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, functionName);
§  Remove eventListener from a button, so that clicking the button no longer does anything.
Drag and Drop Code
instanceName.buttonMode = true;

instanceName.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
function startDragging(event:MouseEvent):void {

instanceName.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void {
§  "instanceName" is an instance of a movie clip symbol. Drag and drop requires linking a command to both pressing the mouse button and releasing it.

Loading and Unloading a .swf File
instanceName.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, loadSwf);
function loadSwf(event:MouseEvent):void {
    loader.source = "swf/loadMovie.swf";
§  This loads the external .swf file "loadMovie.swf" to the stage, as long as the file is stored in the "swf" folder in the main project folder.
instanceName.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, unloadSwf);
function unloadSwf(event:MouseEvent):void {
§  This unloads an external .swf file from the stage.

ActionScript 3.0 Codes: Advanced
§  Loading and Controlling .flv Videos
§  Detecting an Internet Connection
§  Accelerator
§  Quiz
Things You Can Do with Frame Labels, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, and Movie Clips
The humble button is a powerful tool. By nesting content inside a movie clip symbol and adding frame labels to the timeline, you can do a lot of things.
Control Sound
Inside a movie clip, add a sound to the second frame (or later). Later in the timeline, stop that sound by adding a keyframe changing the sync setting to stop. Add a new "actions" layer. Add a stop command on the first frame, and add frame labels "startSound" and "stopSound" where appropriate. Create your startSoundBtn and stopSoundBtn buttons, and code them to "gotoAndStop("startSound");" and "gotoAndStop("stopSound");" respectively.

startSoundBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playSound);
function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void {

function endSound(event:MouseEvent):void {

Create a Basic Quiz
A simple multiple choice quiz can be created by coding the correct answer to go to a "Correct!" page or the next question, while coding the incorrect answers to go to a "Try Again!" page with a button that takes you back to the question. This type of quiz won't keep track of the users score, but is good for review quizzes.

Control a Movie Clip
This really what a basic buttons does: plays (or stops at) a different part of the timeline. Remember that you can control movie clips from outside of the clip by adding movieClipInstanceName. or control the timeline of the parent by adding (parent as MovieClip).

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