Monday, September 17, 2018

Misc Array Methods and Properties in actionscript3


Misc Array Methods and Properties

In the final section of the tutorial we will just explain a number of methods and properties which do not add or remove anything from an array, but which could still come handy.
  • You can retrieve the number of items within an array by using the .length property. This property is helpful when you want to automate the processing of an array:
var myArray:Array = ["Flash", "ActionScript", "Republic of Code"];
Testing this code should output the following: 3.
  • If for some reason you want to reverse the order of items in your array, you can do that by simply using the reverse() method:
var myArray:Array = ["Flash", "ActionScript", "Republic of Code"];
Testing this code should output the following: "Republic of Code,ActionScript,Flash".
These were some of the most commonly used methods for working with arrays. You can check the ActionScript Reference to learn about the other less popular methods.
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