Thursday, September 6, 2018

AS3 Countdown Timer


AS3 Countdown Timer - Creating a Simple Countdown Timer in Flash Using ActionScript 3

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to create a very simple AS3 countdown timer in Flash.

Step 1
Create a new Flash ActionScript 3 document. Select the text tool once your document opens up.

Step 2
Go to the Properties Inspector and choose the following options:
  • Text field type: Classic - Dynamic Text
  • For the font family, you can choose either _sans, _serif, or _typewriter
  • Anti-alias: Use device fonts
  • For the text color, make sure that it's different from the background color of your stage
  • You can choose whatever font size that you want

Step 3
Then click on the stage to add the text field. Make sure that the text field is big enough for whatever font size you chose.

Step 4
Make sure that your text field is selected, then go back to the Properties Inspector and give it an instance name. Let's name this timer_txt.

Step 5
Create a new layer for the actions, then select the first keyframe of this new layer, and open up the Actions panel.
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